
Understanding Alzheimer’s

May 19, 2024

Alzheimer's disease, a condition often synonymous with memory loss and cognitive decline, is the most prevalent form of dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease, a condition often synonymous with memory loss and cognitive decline, is the most prevalent form of dementia. While there is no cure for the disease, the good news is that the symptoms can be treated and managed with help from a compassionate support system. The more you know about Alzheimer’s, the more empowered you are to seek help for yourself or others. Let’s dive in.

What is Alzheimer’s?
At its core, Alzheimer’s disease disrupts the communication between neurons in the brain, leading to cognitive impairment. Imagine neurons as messengers relaying information within your brain. With Alzheimer’s, proteins form plaques and tangles, hindering this communication and eventually causing neuron death, resulting in brain volume reduction.

What are the signs and symptoms?
Alzheimer’s typically develops in adults 65 or older. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s may manifest gradually and vary from person to person. These include but are not limited to:

  • Memory loss or slow recall
  • Changes in behavior, mood, or personality
  • Difficulty with problem-solving, planning, executive functioning
  • Repeating oneself in conversation
  • Low motivation for starting and completing tasks

When looking for signs and symptoms in a loved one, it’s crucial to differentiate Alzheimer’s from typical age-related forgetfulness or other forms of dementia. While Alzheimer’s is a specific type of dementia, not all dementia cases stem from Alzheimer’s.

The Progression of the Disease
Alzheimer’s progresses through stages—mild, moderate, and advanced—with each stage presenting distinct challenges. In the early stages, symptoms may be subtle, such as slight memory lapses or difficulty with routine tasks. As the disease advances, symptoms intensify, impacting independence and daily functioning significantly.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosing Alzheimer’s involves a comprehensive assessment, including medical history, physical exams, and cognitive tests. While there’s currently no single diagnostic test, advancements in medical technology offer hope for early detection.
Even without a cure, there are various treatments designed to manage symptoms and enhance quality of life. Medications can help slow cognitive decline, while lifestyle interventions, such as physical exercise and social engagement, play a crucial role in maintaining cognitive function.

Living with Alzheimer’s
Receiving an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be daunting, but it’s important to remember that life doesn’t end with the diagnosis. Support services, including counseling and occupational therapy, are available to help individuals and their families navigate the challenges posed by Alzheimer’s.

Hope in Education and Awareness
Alzheimer’s disease may alter lives, but it doesn’t have to define them. By fostering understanding, compassion, and resilience, we can create a world where individuals affected by Alzheimer’s receive the support and care they deserve.

To learn more on how we’re chartering the course with memory care, visit our Memory Support (Willow Bend or Midtown Park) and Dementia Aware pages!


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