10 Reasons to Consider In-Home Personal Assistance

June 28, 2021

Many caregivers report having to rearrange their work schedule, decrease their hours, or even take unpaid leave to meet the needs of an aging loved one.

On average, Americans who provide care for an aging loved one also work 34.7 hours per week. More than half work 40 hours or more. Many caregivers report having to rearrange their work schedule, decrease their hours, or even take unpaid leave to meet the needs of an aging loved one.

If you provide care to both a child and an aging parent, it’s important to recognize the toll that stress can take on your health and your sense of well-being and happiness.

There is good news, however. Personal assistance services through in-home providers can relieve you of much of the day-to-day physical and emotional support you provide to an aging parent. Here are 10 good reasons to consider in-home personal assistant services:

1. Companionship

If an aging parent looks to you as a primary source of activities and emotional support, an in-home personal assistant can step in to provide recharge time for you. Personal assistants can help with social activities, stimulate active thinking through card or board games, encourage exercise such as daily walks together, and serve as a welcome new friend to make the best of every moment.

2. Light Housekeeping

Personal assistants can relieve you of the burdens of keeping house for an elderly parent. They can take on bathroom and kitchen cleaning and other household tidying. A personal assistant can also help keep drawers and cabinets organized as well as that stack of bills and mail that often goes unattended by an aging loved one.

3. Cooking

An aging parent who lives alone may lose interest in food. Mealtime may be lonely, or a reduced sense of taste or smell can make food less appetizing. A personal assistant can help ensure your parent eats right by assisting with meal preparation or by preparing a complete meal and providing assistance with feeding, if needed.

4. Laundry

A clean and neat personal appearance can be an important part of a parent’s emotional well-being. In-home personal assistants can relieve you of laundry duty and help your loved one look and feel their best. Clean towels, the scent of crisp, newly changed linens, and a freshly pressed outfit can improve overall quality of life.

5. Accompaniment Services

Dings and dents on the car may mean your parent’s driving days are over. If that’s the case, a personal assistant can restore their sense of independence by providing transportation services for errands and shopping and ensuring your parent doesn’t miss a doctor appointment.

6. Personal Assistance

The morning and evening routines of getting into and out of bed can be easily accommodated by a personal assistant, freeing you of valuable time. From toileting, showering, grooming, and dressing to preparing a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner—your personal assistant can help at every step so your loved one has a good day.

7. Pet Care

Pets can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction, and encourage physical activity, so they are an important companion to aging loved ones. A personal assistant can also help out in the area of pet care, making sure the pet receives fresh food and water as well as exercise, such as walking or playtime, vet care, and grooming.

8. Shopping and Errands

If a loved one is unable to drive or has mobility challenges, a personal assistant can run errands and handle all of the shopping needs. In-home personal assistants can help with grocery lists, picking up prescriptions, returning library books, and taking the car in for scheduled maintenance. Meanwhile, your parent (and you!) can relax knowing all is taken care of.

9. Medication Cueing

Personal assistants do not administer or manage medications, but they can remind your parent to take medicines when the time comes. Since many elderly forget to take medicines—or wind up taking double or triple doses—having someone there to remind them and monitor medications can prove invaluable. Mom and dad get the help they need, and you can stop worrying.

10. Wellness Check-Up for Seniors

A personal assistant serves as your eyes and ears when you cannot be with mom or dad. Your personal assistant becomes thoroughly familiar with the needs, wants, and personal preferences of your parent, and they can alert you when mom or dad isn’t feeling well, or is experiencing a change in condition. This aspect of personal assistance services is often the most valued by family members.

If you think a personal assistant could be a bonus for you and your loved one, but you’re not sure how it would work with your schedule, don’t worry. Home care services are flexible, so you can schedule help when you or your loved one need it most. At The Legacy at Home, we customize our services to provide you and your loved one comfort, well-being, and peace of mind—on your terms and your schedule. For more information, visit The Legacy at Home or contact us at 972.597.5875.



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